How To Get Your Book Published, Get Paid Up To 40% Of All Earnings, And Gain The Respect Of Die Hard Occultists… Even If You’ve Never Written Before
Hey, E.A. here.
I can remember when I decided to be a writer. I was terrified my manuscripts would be rejected and worried that no publishers would ever want them.
Despite my fears, I knew in my heart of hearts that my books were powerfully innovative, and could help any sorcerer experience magick ascent, if they just gave it a chance.
I summoned my courage, and over the next decade, I went on to successfully publish 8 best-selling books on the occult. Because of this, hundreds of aspiring writers started sending me their manuscripts, asking for my help. Regrettably, I had to turn many down, because I had no direct way to support them. But all that has changed, because…
I’m happy now to introduce you to my Become A Living God publishing initiative.
In my mad drive to cause a massive occult revolution, and create the world’s best magickal education, I’m opening up the opportunity for writers to submit their work to me in hopes of publishing it as a critical component of my magick curriculum and catalog.
Answer these questions to find out if you qualify…
I am open to both previously published authors, and new writers.
If you believe you have an idea in the works, or a finished manuscript, that I’d like, then keep reading.
1. I’ll handle the entire financial investment, printing, shipping, and customer service for you.
If I do choose to support your work, I’ll handle the financial investment for the entire creation, everything from manufacturing to the ultimate release.
You literally just write, and I’ll do everything else. It costs you nothing.
2. Join the prestigious family of Become A Living God writers.
You’ll get to have your name under the highly respectable Become A Living God label, where you’ll be considered part of our “inner family” of artists. You’ll also most likely receive the opportunity to write more books, as well as participate in select magickal educational projects I conceive later.
I am building a roster of very notable authors, and your name will be one of them.
3. Earn up to 40% of all royalties.
This is something you WON’T find anywhere else. All the other occult publishing labels out there underpay their authors, by sharing only a meager 15% of earnings!
I find that insulting, and instead want to give you up to possibly half of everything I take in from YOUR writing. That’s right, you potentially get up to 40% from us.
When you are totally committed to working with me to create an occult literary work of art for release under my Become A Living God label, here’s what you do…
Send an inquiry to our editor Timothy at this email address:
Include these details:
Our goal is to innovate the world’s most completely comprehensive curriculum of magick education to ever exist.
Will you be an active part of making history? Or will you be sitting on the sidelines?
I’m open to all ideas, but there are a few specific criteria I am most interested in receiving.
1. Anything cutting edge, never-before-published, and innovative
In other words, I want brand new information, not just a rehash of old ideas. Have you discovered new techniques, had unusual experiences, or conceived new theories about magick?
2. Anything taboo, off-limits, previously restricted, or controversial
Are your ideas challenging to the status quo of magick? Do you push the envelope and cause the reader to consider new paradigms, possibilities, or paths?
3. A mix of solid practical instruction, experiential story-telling, and theoretical discourse
I want each book to have each of these 3 facets. I’m not interested in strictly story-telling, or only theory. It must be versatile, grounded in practice, and TRUE.
As I said, I’m open to all ideas, and am not limiting my interest to any particular path or system of magick.
One last time, if you’ve got a good idea, want to receive the 3 major benefits from me, and qualify according to my questions, then download our Writing Proposal right here, to learn more:
Godlike Power,