Click the image above to watch my all-new full-length interview on Physical Evocation, and Spirit Communication. This is a MUST SEE, because my interviewer, Nate Bales, seriously asks all the hard questions - for example, "Why undergo demonic possession?" For my answer to this question, and MUCH MORE, click above.
Reminder: you can start watching "Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence" on July 17th.
Hey Friend,
A couple years ago, strange and interesting events led me to make a Pact with Azazel, leader of the fallen angels, Chief of Evil Chiefs.
For 90 days, I evoked Azazel each day, spending hours learning directly from him about evocation, magick, rituals, and about the nature of reality itself.
What he told me specifically about spirits forced me to rethink how I viewed spirits... and actually, it made me rethink the way I view EVERYTHING!
Up until this moment, I thought (like most people do) that spirits are exactly what they appear to be. The bodies that they show up for an invocation with are what they hang out at home wearing.
I thought that they must sit around on the astral plane doing whatever it is they do until a red light buzzes over the door, letting them know that they're being evoked.
I think that a good deal of my naive understandings about spirits came from a misconception that they exist in the same time/space context as we humans do.
I'm lucky that Azazel cleared this up for me.
Now, the debate on this subject has always had two sides: either spirits are real, or they aren't.
It seems straightforward enough, right?
Well, it's actually not. In fact, I'm pretty certain when a debate is going, that if there are only two opposing arguments, then both of them are wrong, because everything exists in degrees, rather than in complete polarities.
So, in order to clear this up, I asked Azazel, "Where do you come from?"
--- Keep in mind that this single question is possibly the one that spirits avoid the most intensely. While Azazel's reply was definitely cryptic, he answered my question in much more depth than any other spirit ever has. ---
"I am the formed abyss. We are not different. All things are formed from one primordial nothingness, not at some point in the distant past, but in each moment. Every moment that you consider me, I come into being. Every moment that you consider yourself, you are brought into existence. Stop considering yourself, and you will cease to be.
I have appeared to men as they have considered me. I taught them that which they were on the brink of learning themselves. I concatenated their realizations. I would say that I have always existed as this promethean Pandorian figure, because all time for me is present. However, I have not existed at all until this moment. But neither have you."
I wasn't about to let him off that easily, so I continued by asking him, "Where does that leave the idea of your objective reality?"
His answer actually seemed to return to the idea of Maya, of all things existing as a Great Illusion:
"Reality is far from objective. Can you name a single thing that exists independent of your observation? Such a thing does not exist. When you and I meet, you and I come into existence. Until that point, there is no you, there is no I. You exist only in your relation to that which surrounds you. Your very physical form is held together, as mine is in this smoke, by the pressure inside of your skin meeting the pressure outside of your skin, and both forces holding you in one piece. This is a type and a shadow of the whole of existence. Only through the application of various forces of pressure does anything exist. You have learned to master some of these pressure systems, and can apply them to summoning something forth from nothingness to speak to you.
You ask if I am real? I am as real as the world around you, which is not real at all."
For almost a century now, occultists have debated whether spirits are real, or if they're a part of the human psyche projecting itself as a sort of hallucination.
What Azazel is saying (and what I now consider to be the most accurate thought on this matter) is that spirits are BOTH, at the same time!
Here's what I know for a fact: when I perform an evocation, a spirit appears before me. I can see it, I can hear its voice. I can smell whatever scent it brings with it, and often that odor is so profound that I can even taste it. As it enters the room, I can feel the shifting of the astral winds around me, and if I am daring enough, I can reach out and touch it.
To all of my senses, the spirit is real. It is as solid as the floor beneath me and the walls around me... and even more substantial, because it is also interacting with me internally, through telepathic image transfer, through intuitive processing, so that on top of my senses telling me that it is real, every fiber of my being confirms it!
To prove that it's not just me falling deeper into my own insanity, I've even taught thousands of other people how to evoke in the same manner with the same results, and they witness the materialization of entities in front of them as solid as I do, and usually with very similar if not identical attributes for certain spirits.
So, once contact is made with the spirit, it becomes undeniably real.
Before the spirit is brought into materialization, there is no evidence, personal or otherwise, that the spirit exists at all. The power of the spirit, as well as the unique consciousness of it, exists, but it is only through evocation that we, as the magicians, give this some sort of form. We are able to take the raw, nebulous force and intelligence and condense it into a shape in front of us with which we can interact as easily as one person can interact with another.
However, we're not doing any of this consciously. We don't necessarily push the materialization of the spirit into a particular form, like a raven or a blond, robed humanoid.
When we enter the necessary psychological and physiological states during the ritual of evocation, our individual mind begins to sync with the omnipresent and omniscient field of consciousness itself. The attributes of the spirit are very specific, and that specific archetypal pattern relating to the nature, powers, and character of the spirit triggers within us a correlating form and image. Through the various operations that bring the spirit into materialization, then, the Evocator brings the spirit into materialization in coordination with these attributes.
Think about what you're actually doing in evocation, then: You are altering your observation of reality to the degree of producing a materialization of a spirit, that all of your senses can verify is real. Utilizing the momentum of that great alteration of observation, you are then imprinting upon the whole of reality a change that you want to create.
This is why evocation itself it so powerful, because you're literally materializing an impossibility into beholdable form, and can then send your requests upon the wake of that ripple in reality, so that the fulfillment of your desire becomes embedded in the very fabric of your observation of reality.
Keep in mind that none of this means that spirits don't exist independent of us, but that they are intelligent power and active consciousness, extreme currents running through the 5th Dimensional field of Consciousness. Until the moment of evocation, though, they are entirely unusable and basically irrelevant to human life. Through evocation, we are calling these currents of intelligent power into our lives in the most concrete way.
Of course, what has brought me to these conclusions hasn't been from the collection of other people's opinions, or by the academic study of the subject, but by actually evoking, by working with the spirits directly and regularly, over the space of 20 years. Because of this, I can't ask you to take my word for any of this. Instead, I invite you to jump into your own practice of evocation, to begin to interact with spirits directly, and regularly, and see what conclusions you reach about them, and then I'd love to compare notes with you!
And, if you're struggling with Mastering the practice of evocation, OR if you already have a good grasp on it but think that you're ready to take it to the next level, then you owe it to yourself to check out my Mastering Evocation Training Course, which will be available on July 17th!
I encourage you to go check out my most recent interview with Nate Bales. He picks my brain and FORCES me to answer the hardest-hitting and most revealing questions about summoning spirits, pact making, and demonic possession.
After all... why would you voluntarily offer up your body for a demon to temporarily occupy?
I answer that question, and MANY more, right here:
It's a FACT: YOU are able to receive answers to ANY question that you have, as well as clearly see events at a distance, or even in other dimensions!
That in mind, I have to ask you...
Either you already have Mastered the Godlike Power of Omniscience; OR you're waiting for a personal invitation to embrace your ability to know anything, instantly!
So, here it is!
Start watching the Mastering Divination: Omniscience Training Course NOW, and if it isn't everything that I promise it is, you don't have to pay a dime for it!
asdfasdf it here:
Perform Deadly Accurate Divination |
I'll talk to you again soon!
Your friend,
P.S. Remember, take action to watch Mastering Evocation within the first 7 days of it's release, and you get 20% off - this means you have until July 24th. To review an in-depth presentation on all the insanely powerful skills and knowledge you're going to learn inside the program, go RIGHT HERE.