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Learn Bulletproof Protection Rituals That Even A 3-Year-Old Girl Has Used To Bravely Ward Off Terrifying Spectres, Astral Pedofiles, And Baneful Witchcraft

Hey Friend,

I've talked a lot about how you can use magick to manipulate other people, perform spells to make them think and feel exactly what you want them to, and even how you can use curses to disturb, harm, and even kill your enemies.

But, what about the other side of the coin?  What do you do when YOU are the target of someone else's vengeance, anger, or jealousy?

I've Been In The Crosshairs, Under The Fire Of Baneful Magick

I've been the target of black magicians' ill will more times than I can count.

The first time someone tried to use magick against me, it was not a black magician at all, but a so-called Wiccan, a "white lighter," whose religion teaches to harm none.  He was driven to violating this Right Hand Path rede because of personal and magickal inadequacy agitated by jealousy.

I was sixteen years old, and had only been actively practicing spellcasting and ritual magick for less than a year.

Despite my lack of experience and my lack of knowledge, I had a keen ability to sense energy, to feel the presence of otherworldly entities and nonphysical forces.

I was laying in bed, drifting off to sleep, which is the most receptive moment, as the brain is naturally entering the theta state.

My descent into dreams was cancelled when something else came into the room.  It wasn't something I'd invited, even though it was very much like the demonic servitors that I had summoned several times before.

An Evil Astral Entity Crept Into My Bedroom To Hunt Me

It appeared in my bedroom, by my closet, in the dark corner. This is a secret that most people don't know: whenever you're clearing out a house, pay special attention to the corners.  That's where the nastiest entities like to hide.

As soon as I felt this thing come into my room, I knew that it had the intention of harming me.  Another truth about astral entities as well is that once they know that you know that they are there, their presence grows even stronger.

The entity seemed to grow in size and power, forming a sort of black whirlwind of hatred that started to spin in my direction.

I'm certain that it could have killed me that night.  It probably would have looked like I had committed suicide, or possibly that my heart had stopped, or some other mundane explanation.  I know that when I've placed curses on my enemies, that their deaths have always appeared to be natural or accidental.

But it didn't kill me, because I used a very simple and very effective method of psychic self-defense.  And I was even able to intuit who had sent the demon to me before it was banished from my home.

Since that first encounter with magickal violence directed against me, I've had dozens of disgruntled magicians make similar attempts on my life.  Obviously, none of them succeeded. None of them even came close.  The practices that I'm going to tell you about in just a minute are responsible for keeping me alive, even when powerful people actively work towards my death.

I've also had offended spirits come to me on their own with harmful intent, and I've successfully used these same techniques to banish them from my presence and to secure my safety.

And, if you're worried that these methods might be too complicated for you, let me tell you that I taught my daughter how to use these to protect herself when she was only 3 or 4 years old!  I've seen her chase away some pretty terrifying specters with these protection rituals, so if a 4 year old can do it, I'll bet you can too!

Protection Ritual #1.The first method is the easiest, and doesn't require any special tools or preparation.  As soon as you are aware that you are under attack, face the direction of the energetic mass that is moving towards you.  If you pay attention to your intuition rather than dismissing it like most people do, you should be able to pinpoint the right direction.  Imagine that the air around you is filled with invisible but spiritually bright light. Rather than trying to "see" this light, instead try to FEEL it.  Feel the warmth and the protective quality of the light that surrounds you.

Once you have a good internal awareness of this spiritual light, take a deep breath in, and feel these tiny particles of Divine light entering your body, filling you with light.  Do this a few times, until you feel as if your whole body is glowing.

Stretch your right arm out towards your spiritual attacker, your open palm facing the area of danger. With a long and calming exhalation, feel the light that is glowing within you radiating down your arm, compressing into your hand, and beaming out of your fingers and your palm towards the hostile force. Repeat this several times, each repetition diminishing the baneful power's presence.

You will be able to gauge the efficacy of this technique through the amount of peace that you feel. Your anxiety and panic will literally melt away and transform into peace as you funnel light towards the negative force.

Protection Ritual #2.The second method utilizes the same process of becoming aware of the spiritual light around you, breathing that light in to yourself until you can feel your own luminosity, and then pushing that out of your hand.

Instead of funneling the light through the air towards the target, though, you can use it to charge a glass of water with concentrated power that will banish any unwanted energies as well as protect the area from further spiritual trespass.

If you have a chalice that you use in ritual, you can use it, or you can use a simple drinking glass. Fill the cup with cold water, and add in a few pinches of table salt. I've found that sea salt works best for this. Stir the salt into the water until it dissolves.

Breathe the spiritual light into yourself, as with the previous practice, but instead of shooting it across the room, touch the index and middle fingers of your right hand to the water.

As you breathe out, feel the light flowing out of your body, through your arm, out of your fingers and into the water. You may notice that the energy flows much more naturally into the cold saltwater, because it acts as a sort of energetic magnet.

With a few exhalations, you will likely be able to feel the water glowing with light. Sprinkle it on your body, and then around your home. Make sure you get the floor and the walls, as well as the tricky spirits who hide in the corners. Once I've sprinkled my entire home with the charged water, I'll trickle whatever is left over the thresholds leading int my home.

You can do this when you feel as if you are in danger, but I like to cleanse my home regularly using charged water, as energy residue tends to build up where powerful magicians spend a good amount of their time!

Protection Ritual #3.The last method that I want to share with you is more aggressive than the previous two. Instead of defending against sudden attack, you can bind your attackers directly.

In order to do this, you'll need to know who exactly is attacking you.

This is called "poppet magick," and is a powerful form of sympathetic magick. You are performing a symbolic action which simulates the physical, spiritual, or psychological effect that you want to create.

With a black marker, write the name of your attacker on the poppet. If you know the person's birthdate, write that beneath the name as well. Using a person's birthdate and name can create a powerful link to them.

If you're able to obtain any personal fetish items from the target, like a piece of hair or clothing, a handwriting sample, or even a photograph, you can use a small piece of clear tape to attach it to the poppet, and this will enhance the sympathetic link to your attacker as well.

Once you have the poppet ready, take a long piece of red yarn or ribbon, and slowly wrap it around the poppet. The color red is a Martian color, and is excellent for defense and banishing, as well as for magickal attacks.

As you wrap the ribbon or yarn around the poppet, visualize your target as clearly as you are able, imagining their body being bound up by red astral vines. Each time you create a new circle around the poppet with the yarn, say the name of your attacker, followed by the affirmative command, "You are bound." This command puts the action into the immediate present tense, which will ensure that the binding occurs RIGHT NOW!

Wrap the ribbon around the poppet at least 13 times, feeling with each revolution a weakening of your enemy's power.

Once this is done, put the poppet away where you will not see it, and no one else will stumble across it. This is called the "Law of Concealing," and is an important step in most magickal rituals.

With these simple and powerful methods, you'll be able to repel just about any psychic attack that gets thrown your way!

I'll talk to you again soon!

Your friend,

EA. Koetting

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