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Learn To Speak & Write The Universal Demon Tongue


In a Personal Consultation with me, you will:

  • Become fluent in the Universal Daemon Tongue
  • Receive guidance to Stellar Outland Gateways, the Qliphoth & Tunnels of Set
  • Learn proven rites to unite with your Daimon a.k.a. your Holy Guardian Angel
  • Eliminate ritual anxiety and demon-phobia
  • Harness the power of Qliphothic Sphereworking through advanced initiations, rites & spells
  • Receive priceless lessons from my life-changing magick experiences with the Qliphoth
  • Ask any magick questions with no judgement

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Dear Friend,

I have walked in your shoes as a matter of fact.

Eight years ago, when I performed magick for my first time, it felt so awkward and alien to me, that I almost quit before ever truly giving it a fair shot.

"Magick's just not for everyone," I sighed to myself as I opened my eyes, stood, and exited my magick circle feeling like I had wasted an entire night on imaginary friends.

How I Finally Overcame The Ritual Anxiety & Demon Phobia That Forced Me To Quit...

Little did I know at that time, that I suffered two psychological illnesses that ruin your magick — I call them "ritual anxiety" and "demon phobia."

You probably suffer from these two annoying conditions too — almost every black magician and witch does early on in their ascent!

You worry yourself sick with circular questions like:

"Am I performing enough ritual?"

"Am I performing the right ritual?"

"Are these visions from genuine spirits or just my imagination?"

"When will my third eye open or will it remain blind forever?"

"Will these demons harm me?"

"Blah, blah, blah..."

I literally wasted more time worrying and torturing myself than performing magick. I plagued myself with bugaboo questions that no one can even hazard a guess to — questions you can only answer with PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

Long story short: I sabotaged myself.

My "Now Or Never" Epiphany That Completely Unleashed My Magick Ascent

Cut to months in the future. One winter day here in Maine, I took a long hike through my neighboring woods. As a lifelong health nut and amateur bodybuilder, I have always viewed the world through a fitness lens. I reflected back on my first time lifting weights — that also had felt alien and awkward, and it left my muscles painfully sore. It finally dawned on me that an undeniable similarity exists between magick and lifting weights, namely, they both require chronic ritual to ignite growth — often PAINFUL growth — i.e., daily performance.

In that moment of epiphany, magick snapped into place in my life and I finally became a master of my fate. I needed to treat magick like I treated fitness, to let it become an empowering part of my everyday life — not a novelty or a torment. Over the next eight years, day by day, ritual by ritual, little by little, I have meaningfully performed ritual over 6,000 times, and traveled farther and farther into demonic evocation and astral travel, to a point where I have now transcribed an entire universal demonic language and charted entire hidden realms of the astral plane.

My "now or never" epiphany completely unleashed my ascent and eliminated any ritual anxiety. It has allowed magick to become second nature to me, like breathing air.

Learn The Secrets Of Sphereworking To Harness The Unlimited Power Of The Qliphoth & Attain Union With Your Daemon… More Importantly, Learn How To Eliminate Your Ritual Anxiety & Quit Sabotaging Your Ascent

Through merciless trial and error, I have become a master of these core magicks enumerated below. And I can help you to learn them and skyrocket your spiritual ascent.

Sphereworking The Qliphoth & The Tunnels Of Set

I am able to explain the process of Initiation through the Qliphoth and the Tunnels of Set as well as how to harness the energies of both the Spheres and Tunnels for specific spells and rituals. For example, you can learn how the energies of Golachab may be used to remove harmful obstacles in your life. Also, I will clarify the secrets to opening the stellar gateways and how to projects your consciousness into them for exploration and empowerment.

Lucifer's Demonic Language A.K.A. The Universal Daemon Tongue

I am proficient in the magick meaning and pronunciation of every demon tongue letter for success in using the language as a magick force. I have years of experience in working with the Demon Tongue and can show how to both intone and write the language correctly. Furthermore, the Tongue allows you to channel and evoke spirits from any Gateway. To this point, I will clarify how you can employ the language for maximum potency and effectiveness in your Magick.

How To Attain Union With Your Daimon A.K.A. Holy Guardian Angel

I have entered into union with my Daimon for half a decade now, and I have received a clear understanding of how attainment with your Daimon can be achieved for greater clarity of life's purpose and substantially greater power overall. This union may help you in your Magick and to find your True Will. Finding your True Will gives your life passion and meaning that is sorely missing.

Astral Travel Of The Stellar Outland Gateways

You will learn the advanced rituals of initiation into the Stellar Outland realms and thereby multiply and magnify any new and preexisting work with the Qliphoth. These Gateways are newly channeled and very potent keys of Initiation that can alter your perception of reality. You may use these Gateways as reservoir of magick for demonic spellcasting also.

How To Cast Harmful Curses & Annihilate Hard-To-See Astral Predators That Undermine Ascent

By virtue of becoming a Black Witch or Sorcerer, you often have enemies who you must overcome if you wish to truly evolve into greater and greater manifestations of yourself. Annihilating these enemies will teach you priceless lessons, but they can stop you in your tracks as well, if you give in to the doubt and fear energies that they push against you. You may fight them and become a god and goddess in your own right, or you can be complacent. I can instruct clearly how to smash these enemies and to keep them at bay for life.

Book Your Personal Consultation Right Now And Receive:

  Personal Consultation A 60 & 30-minute session together
  Facebook, Skype & Telephone Available in video, audio & text chat
  Privacy Guarantee I take your confidentiality seriously

Here's How This Works

  1. Book your consultation right now on my calendar. It will allow you to share your preferred chat app.
  2. I contact you at your preferred time on your preferred day through your preferred chat app.
  3. I do everything in my power to help your ascent.

Experience YOUR Moment Of Epiphany Like Me And Become A Master Of Your Fate Too...

Have you banged your head against a wall for years trying to "figure out" magick by worrying in circles like I did years ago?

Do you suffer ritual anxiety, demon phobia, and sabotage your magick?

In our high-powered time together, you will finally experience your "now or never" moment of epiphany and completely unleash your ascent as I did.

Book your personal consultation now, and I will see you on our call.

May demonic blessings be with you,

