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You’re About To Learn Secrets Most Sorcerers Will NEVER Know About Enochian Black Magick… Unlock The REAL Magick Of The Enochian “Angels” With My Master-Grimoire For The Left Hand Path

  •   Wails of the Wandering Angels: Enochian Book Alpha
  •   The Enochian Chronicles: The Complete Trilogy
  •   Enochian Explainer Course: Lifetime online access
  •   Author: Bill Duvendack
  •   Explainers: Bill Duvendack & E.A. Koetting
  •   Illustrators: Rich Brewer & Asenath Mason
  •   Editor: Timothy
  •   Sample eBook: Ch. 1 - In the Beginning
  •   Global Shipping: Receive in 2 weeks or less
Bill Duvendack

In Wails of the Wandering Angels and The Enochian Chronicles, you'll learn:

  • The groundbreaking "paradigm shift" to unlock Enochian Magick for Qliphothic Magicians
  • An everything-you-need "dummy's guide" to the Enochian Cosmology, Aethyrs, and Angelic Calls
  • True and faithful records of my angelic gnosis experiences from a decade of pathworking
  • Indispensable tables and correspondence charts
  • A master's guide to real needs of the magick system — with an emphasis on "less is more"
  • My 100% "Confusion-Free Guarantee"


Original price was: $399.Current price is: $299.
  • Wails of the Wandering Angels – Leather hardback
  • Enochian Explainer Course – Lifetime access
  • First edition
  • Limited to 100 copies
  • Get $100 off to save 25%
Original price was: $537.Current price is: $269.
  • Leather hardback edition
  • Silver finish on black cover
  • First edition
  • Limited to 100 copies
  • Get $268 off to save 50%
Original price was: $199.Current price is: $169.
  • Leather hardback edition
  • Silver finish on black cover
  • First edition
  • Limited to 100 copies
  • Get $30 off to save 15%
Original price was: $99.Current price is: $79.
  • Cloth hardback edition
  • Silver finish on black cover
  • First edition
  • Limited to 150 copies
  • Get $20 off to save 20%

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The Complete Enochian Magick contains: (1) Wails of the Wandering Angels in leather edition, (2) Enochian Magick Explainer online course.

First edition in a strictly limited quantity on a first come basis.

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Peer Reviews

  • Wails of the Wandering Angels is a fresh and welcome perspective of the Enochian system that will give magicians plenty of inspiration for experimentation.  Bill Duvendack's approach to the material is no-nonsense and straightforward. He lays out the system and potential modifications in a clear, easy-to-understand manner.  For those new to the subject, and even those of us who are familiar with the material already, this book will be a thought-provoking and valuable addition to your bookshelf.

    S. Connolly, Author, Alchemist, Sorceress
  • The Body of work known as Enochian has underpinned much of western occult thinking and even pop culture. Yet few sorcerers truly penetrate its mystery due to its deep-seated cloak of traditionalism and the surmounting fears of its misuse due to assumptions built upon doctrine and incomplete research. Bill breaks these chains once and for all as he not only demystifies some of the most complicated parts of the system in such detail that even its most bastard and infernal children are given a chance to voice their true story at the table.

    Adam Nox, Founder of The Cult of You
  • I read my first book on Enochian Magic in 1992, the first work by the Schuelers. Since then I have always kept myself up to date on publications on this topic, and I can without hesitation admire Bill Duvendack's efforts in his series of writings on the subject. My good friend Bill here combines in a very elegant way detailed knowledge about the history and practice of Enochian Magic with a deep look at its fundamentals, helping the reader to realize the transcendent power that lies behind the cultural veneer through which this magical system has been received.

    Humberto Maggi, Author & Demonologist

Dear Friend,

You will find the four most popular questions below that I have received as a lifelong author and student of Enochian Magick...

  • Are Enochian angels REALLY angels?
  • Can I invoke the angels without fluency in the Enochian language?
  • Can modern magicians discover new angels in the Enochian tablets?
  • Can a black magician perform angelic magick for infernal ascent?

Firstly, thank you for having an interest in my new breakthrough grimoire, Wails of the Wandering Angels, the essential foundation and finale to my Enochian Magick trilogy, called The Enochian Chronicles.

This third and final volume, Wails of the Wandering Angels, features an all-in-one, standalone guide to mastering Enochian Black Magick for Left Hand Pathworkers. It does not require you to have studied the first two volumes or "Books of Shadows" that feature the true and faithful records of my life-changing gnosis experiences with the Enochian angels. However, if you wish to unlock the full magick of the complete series, then refer to my trilogy compendium, The Enochian Chronicles.

Please let me introduce myself — my name is Bill Duvendack, author of bestselling grimoires Qliphothic Astrology and Oraculum Leviathan. If you have performed magick and studied the occult as long as me, then you probably have heard what I call the "old traditional belief."

Beware The Restrictive "Old Traditional Belief" In White Angel Magic

The old traditional belief says that angels are the "good guys" and demons are the "bad guys." As such, the old traditional belief says that angels are the "Right" Hand Path, and demons are the "Left" Hand Path. Therefore, this old traditional belief has unnecessarily indoctrinated ambitious sorcerers to believe that they can never perform Enochian Magick, because it features "angels."

What if I told you that the "old traditional belief" is absolutely wrong, insanely prejudiced, and total bullshit? Not only that, but the "old traditional belief" places stupid limits on your ascent as a sorcerer, because it restricts your access to one of the most proven, highest-powered systems of sorcery anywhere on earth, namely, Enochian Magick.

Let me say it clearly on record — the angels of Enochian Magick are not "angels" in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic sense. It has become time to hammer the nail into the coffin of that old traditional belief. Here, let me explain further...

Welcome To The Powerful "New Modern Belief" In Enochian Black Magick

What if I told you that the infamous angels of Enochian Magick manifest and act more like powerful demons?

What if I told you that Enochian Magick feels more like Black Magick than White Magic? I call this more accurate, more enlightened perspective the "new modern belief."

This new modern belief champions the freedom of sorcerers to perform Enochian Black Magick to fully harness the power of the dark angels, or crypto-demons, for ascent.

I have performed a comprehensive ritual pathworking of Enochian Magick for over a decade. As I discovered this innovative "paradigm shift" in relation to the Angels and their Magick, I formulated the true uncensored findings into a complete, everything-you-need-to know series of three grimoires, called The Enochian Chronicles. In particular, my alpha book, Wails of the Wandering Angels, initiates you in Enochian Black Magick in an advanced manner that no other traditional book on the subject does.

BREAKING: Advanced Qliphothic Magician Unlocks The True Power Of Enochian Magick With A Grimoire For Left Hand Pathworkers, Satanists, And Qliphothic Magicians

As I said earlier, thank you for having an interest in my two new Enochian Magick grimoires.

1. Wails of the Wandering Angels: Enochian Book Alpha
My foundational, final, third book in the series | 185 pages

2. The Enochian Chronicles: Three Grimoires in One
The all-in-one complete series in a convenient master-grimoire | 387 pages

As you probably know, there are many books on Enochian Magick out there, but what separates Wails of the Wandering Angels is the fact that in it, I include modern interpretations and material, specifically of a controversial nature. Michael Kelly, author of The Sevenfold Mystery, is gracious enough to contribute the foreword to it, and throughout the text I discuss the interpretation of Enochian from Anton Szandor LaVey and other Left-Hand Path practitioners and perspectives, which makes this one of the most comprehensive and inclusive books available on the subject.

  • Foreword by Michael Kelly, p.9
  • Introduction, p.13

Let’s start by looking at the exact table of contents within Wails of the Wandering Angels. The book is divided into three sections:

  • Part 1 - The Book of the Mind
  • Part 2 - The Book of Form
  • Part 3 - The Book of Function

The Book Of The Mind — Part One

The Book of the Mind is the biggest section of the three, and in chapters one and two I address the cosmology of Enochian, as well as preliminary considerations before beginning the work. The section is wrapped up by discussing the aethyrs, the alphabet, and the language. These are brief discussions though, and we come back to them throughout the book to go more in-depth.

  • Ch. 1 - In the Beginning, p.19
  • Ch. 2 - Enochian Cosmology, p.35
  • Ch. 3 - The Thirty Aethyrs, p.51
  • Ch. 4 - The Alphabet & Language, p.63

The Book Of Forms — Part Two

The second section, the book of form, is smaller when it comes to the number of chapters in it, but these are thicker chapters. Chapter five discusses the watchtowers in depth, and chapter six takes a look at tools and other temple items to be used when doing this kind of work. In chapter five, I go extensively into detail about the formulas of the watchtowers, and how you can put them to work for you.

  • Ch. 5 - The Watchtowers, p.85
  • Ch. 6 - Enochian Accoutrements, p.115

The Book Of Function — Part Three

The third section, The Book of Function, specifically focuses on the ritual construction side of Enochian Magick, as well as further clarification on the Enochian Calls. Temple Openings, Closings, and Daily Prayers are all discussed in chapter seven, and in chapter eight I give the Calls, but in a unique format. Not only are the Calls shared there, they are written in three different ways. You will see the Calls written in Enochian, English, and phonetically spelled out to help you with your pronunciation of them.

  • Ch.  7 - Temple Openings, Closings, Procedures & Daily Prayers, p.141
  • Ch. 8 - The Calls, p.153
  • Bibliography & Further Reading, p.183

Finally, to wrap everything up, I have an extensive bibliography to help you in your further studies. This isn’t a regular bibliography though, as I annotate and categorize the books I used in the writing of this volume, as well as provide commentary on strengths, weaknesses, and foci for various publications already in existence. I do this because when you are first starting Enochian, it can seem overwhelming with all of the books out there, and it can be hard to define a starting point. In other words, I am giving you the power to see what would be the next step after my writings on the subject. Almost every book on Enochian has something unique and worthwhile to contribute, but finding these pearls takes research and time, and hopefully I help you save some of each.

Discover The Newest Breakthroughs Of The Last 400 Years From A Decade Of True And Faithful Relations With The Enochian Angels In The Full Trilogy — The Enochian Chronicles

As elaborated, I have studied and performed Enochian Magick for a couple decades now. Over a particular multi-year period, my magick partners and I embarked on an unprecedented, life-changing pathworking through direct gnosis with the angels, and they revealed numerous priceless discoveries and modern innovations that had not been written about in any kind of printed form or documentation in the last 400 years since the Enochian was received in Dee's journals.

To remain safe, we have verified the new gnosis by replicating the surprising results in the ritual trials of other Enochian Magicians, thus they have proven to advance the Enochian system.

Join The Vanguard Of Enochian Magicians With The First Two Grimoires — "In The Shadow Of The Watchtower" And "Dark Fruit"

During the years-long pathworking, we recorded the True and Faithful Relations with the angels in two groundbreaking grimoires, called In the Shadow of the Watchtower and Dark Fruit, and have included them both along with Wails of the Wandering Angels in a limited-edition trilogy called The Enochian Chronicles.

As a summary, the first two books feature the authentic entries from the ritual diaries of my partners and me as we encountered and communed with new Enochian angels. These two books technically classify as Books of Shadows insofar as they contain a log of uncensored and unfiltered magick experiences. And lastly, the third book reveals the exact ritual system that we performed to enter gnosis with the angels. Thus, the trilogy contains a complete three-book master-grimoire on the vanguard of Enochian Magick.

From Scrying The Aethyrs To Finding New Angels In The Tablets, Their Ranks Of Power, And Kingdoms That No One Ever Talks About

When people begin to work with Enochian Magick, the usual starting point is the scrying of the aethyrs, which are various realms of consciousness and dimensions, but sadly, most people stop there. Yes, it is good to see what you see there, and to compare your notes with those that came before, but scrying the aethyrs is only one small piece of Enochian Magick, and in Wails of the Wandering Angels, you will see more ways to work with the Enochian material.

While scrying is good, something else that is just as good is the catalog of spirits that are found in the Enochian tablets. Each of the tablets used in Enochian Magick contains many various spirits of varying power ranks, and therefore each tablet can be considered a kingdom in and to itself. There is a slight problem that is found here though, which is that until the last few centuries, only one set of spirits has been worked with and acknowledged. In the upcoming books, we will take a look at the many, many, other spirits that are found on the individual tablets that no one talks about, and what makes this noteworthy is that they are not as “angelic” as the other angels are considered.

The spirits that reside on each tablet are a diverse collection of beings that are still being discovered to this day. The standard Enochian spirits discovered by Dee and Kelly are well-documented, but even in the original source material, other groups of spirits are mentioned but never clarified.

21st Century Breakthroughs Into The Rare  "Cacodemons" Found In The Journals Of John Dee

In his journals, Dee mentions a group of spirits known as “cacodemons,” and various ranks of power that are associated with them. From Dee’s Christian perspective, these are considered demons, but as you will see in the upcoming book, that point is arguable.

Besides these though, Enochian innovators and pioneers throughout the last three centuries have discovered other spirits living in the tablets, and these are not the “love and light” type of spirits that revealed themselves to Dee and Kelly. Bluntly, it could even be argued that the ones that revealed themselves to the dynamic duo are not necessarily love and light either, and that is discussed in the book, too.

Uncover Possibly The Biggest Catalog Of Spirits In The Western Esoteric Tradition

When you put progressive Enochian material together with the original source material, you develop quite the catalog of spirits. This makes the Enochian system one of the biggest collections of spirits anywhere in the Western Esoteric Tradition, surpassing smaller spirit codices like The Goetia by leaps and bounds.

However, because these entities are not in the original source material, many magicians never come across them, much to their detriment. These beings, discussed in various places, do not have the printed visibility that the mainstream spirits do, but that changes with not only this book, but with the work that magicians do with this material from here. While Wails of the Wandering Angels addresses these groups of spirits, you will see as you read it that there is a lot of fertile ground for the intrepid psychonaut. Wails of the Wandering Angels will not only introduce you to these spirits, but will also give you ideas and methods to discover your own spirits on the Enochian tablets as well.

The Most Feared Secret Of Enochian Magick —  Learn How To Become Your Own Authority On Angelology

One of the biggest secrets of Enochian Magick is that it is highly subjective, even with the surviving original source material. Almost no one discusses this, but it is highlighted and emphasized in the trilogy of books. This allows you, the progressive pioneer, to add your own flair and preference to your Enochian work. One of the reasons for this is that while many of Dee and Kelly’s documents have survived, they have not necessarily survived intact, and because of this, there will always be room for your interpretation and thoughts.

There is no authoritarian governing body or ruler of the Enochian tradition, and this freedom gives you the ability to interpret, translate, and adapt the material to your preference, within reason of course.

In Wails of the Wandering Angels, I discuss how to become your own authority in depth. I walk you through what is subjective and what is not, and how you can work with this material in new, innovative ways. After all, a magick current that is not evolving is already half dead, and if you’re reading this, I know you are interested in exploring this material and elevating it to new levels undreamed of in Renaissance Poland and England. By following the examples and guidelines in the new book, you will tailor-make Enochiana to your liking, while still working in line with what Dee and Kelly brought through those long centuries ago.

EXPLAINER — Author Bill Duvendack And Sorcerer E.A. Koetting "Crack The Code" On Enochian Magick With A 2.5-Hour Uncensored "Ask Me Anything" Explainer Course

Embark on a "deep dive" into the hard, uncensored truths about Enochian Magick, John Dee, and Angel Magick that you absolutely cannot find anywhere else. Qliphothic magician and author, Bill Duvendack, along with demonic sorcerer, E.A. Koetting, together walk you through a 2.5-hour "ask me anything" style of question-and-answer on subjects that no other mainstream author on white magic would reveal about Enochian Magick.

Order "Wails Of The Wandering Angels" Right Now To Receive The Hardback Grimoire And Explainer Course — Get $100 Off To Save 25% With "The Complete Enochian Magick"

  Wails of Wandering Angels Leather & cloth hardback in limited edition
  The Enochian Chronicles Leather hardback in limited edition
  Enochian Magick Explainer Lifetime access to online course
  Global Shipping Receive in two weeks or less

As always, to help as many magicians as possible to save as much on tuition as possible, I have paired my Wails of the Wandering Angels leather edition with the Enochian Magick Explainer together in The Complete Enochian Magick to get you $100 off and save 25% on them. I have lowered their tuition from a normal combined $399 to only $299 to help this remain more affordable.

When you place an order for your preferred tier, you are going to receive exactly these below...

1. The Complete Enochian Magick - Save 25%

Get $100 off to save 25% with this two-in-one pairing...

  1. The new grimoire, Wails of the Wandering Angels, in hardback leather edition
  2. Lifetime access to the essential online course featuring an uncensored question-and-answer with author Bill Duvendack by sorcerer E.A. Koetting

2. The Enochian Chronicles - Save 50%

Get $268 off to save 50% with the complete trilogy, The Enochian Chronicles, in hardback leather edition...

  1. Wails of the Wandering Angels, Enochian Book Alpha, Grimoire 1
  2. In the Shadow of the Watchtower, Grimoire 2
  3. Dark Fruit, Grimoire 3

3. Wails of the Wandering Angels - Leather And Cloth Edition - Save 15% And 20%

Receive the innovative, foundational grimoire Wails of the Wandering Angels by Bill Duvendack in limited edition, and save 15% off the leather edition and 20% off the cloth edition.

Here's My 100% Confusion-Free Guarantee — An Everything-You-Need "Dummy's Guide" To Mastering Enochian Cosmology, 30 Aethrys, Temple Openings, Closings And Angelic Calls

In point of fact, hundreds of extremely intellectual books exist on Enochian Magick that split hairs over the infinite aspects of the angelic correspondences and language as received by John Dee. Theoretically, an unlimited number of correspondence tables, charts, and indices can exist.

It begs the question: What does a modern magician truly need to unlock the power of Enochian Magick and ignite their spiritual ascent?

Regrettably, the over-intellectualizing of traditional Enochian Magick has caused even the most advanced magicians to quit out of confusion. In fact, when I reference Enochian Magick in courses, magicians often complain that it seems "too complicated," and they dislike that it involves "angels" and "white magic."

Here's my 100% Confusion-Free Guarantee — In Wails of the Wandering Angels, I have distilled the absolutely essential "only what you need and nothing more" magick for mastering the Enochian Cosmology, the Thirty Aethyrs, Temple Openings & Closings, Daily Prayers, Angelic Language Calls, and Ritual System in general.

I will not say that you should never read any other book on the subject, because you should. However, I personally guarantee that my new grimoire, Wails of the Wandering Angels, and the full trilogy, The Enochian Chronicles, are going to initiate you into Enochian Black Magick with a user-friendly simplicity and convenience that you cannot find anywhere else.

It's Time For Advanced Sorcerers To Pioneer The Dark, Hidden, Shadowy Side Of Enochiana

If advancing the knowledge of Enochian Magick appeals to you, then check out Wails of the Wandering Angels, and if you like what you see in there, this aspect of Enochian Magick is continued and explored further in the subsequent books, In The Shadow of the Watchtower and Dark Fruit. In those volumes, you will see what the experiences are like when you work with these non-traditional but highly potent spirits. With all three books in the trilogy, The Enochian Chronicles, you will get taken on a tour to the shadowy and hidden side of Enochiana.

Do you dare to unveil these shadows?

Do you dare to go where no one has before?

Do you dare to become your own authority?

If so, then these three books are just the beginning to the rest of your angelic ascent.

Let my decades of occult study help you to finally "crack the code" on Enochian Magick, and harness the Dark Angelic power of one of the most popular, but confusing systems of magick in human history. I welcome you to place your order for Wails of the Wandering Angels and The Enochian Chronicles right now, and see for yourself that this grimoire will trigger the "paradigm shift" necessary to master Enochian Magick once and for all.

Keep an open mind. Enochian Magick may not be what you think it is, much to your enjoyment and pleasure. I will see you in the grimoires...

Darkest Blessings,

Meet The Author

Bill Duvendack

Lifelong magician and champion of the Left Hand Path, Bill has authored numerous grimoires on Egyptian Magick, Luciferianism, Enochian Magick and Qliphothic astrology.
