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54 Of The World’s Most Powerful Black Magicians Reveal Their Favorite Rites, Demons, And Spells… Learn The Priceless Secrets Of Eternal Ascent In 3 Historically Unprecedented Super-Grimoires…
Back From Being Sold Out For The First Time

  •   Anthology Compendium Edition: All three group grimoires
  •   New Second Edition: Updated and back from being sold out
  •   Author: E.A. Koetting, Lon Milo DuQuette, Asenath Mason, S. Connolly, Michael W. Ford, Kurtis Joseph, Andrieh Vitimus & many more
  •   Editor: Timothy Donaghue
  •   Global Fulfillment: 2 weeks by location
Anthology of Sorcery

In Anthology of Sorcery: 3 Grimoires in 1, you'll receive:

  • E.A. Koetting: Belial, Lucifuge & Kali Yoga Gods
  • Asenath Mason: Lilith, Asmodeus & Lucifer
  • Lon Milo DuQuette: Spirit Possession & Exorcism
  • Michael W. Ford: Azazel & Hekate
  • S. Connolly: Asmodai, Pact-Making & Zagan
  • Kurtis Joseph: Rites of Persian Demonology
  • Andrieh Vitimus: Sorath, Eris & Chaos Curses
  • S. Ben Qayin: Spirit of Hatred & Sonic Magic
  • And 46 more top authors...


Original price was: $147.Current price is: $99.
  • Get $48 off to save 33%

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Anthology Compendium features Anthology of Sorcery: Volumes 1, 2 & 3 altogether in one edition.

Available on-demand.

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Peer Reviews

  • I have contributed to all three volumes of the Anthology of Sorcery, but this one is certainly special among them. The idea of a book of spells provided by active magicians, tested and verified through their personal work, shows that the occult arts are more alive now than ever before, and I’m excited to be a part of this amazing grimoire. The variety of spells included in the book, coming from many magical traditions, makes it a unique publication that will be a valuable addition to the library of every serious practitioner.

    Asenath MasonAuthor
  • It is an honor to be a part of this upcoming third volume of Become A Living Gods upcoming Anthology of Sorcery. This one text out of all three volumes will be the most practical and life changing Anthology to be released to date! The most powerful sorcerers of this Aeon have forged an alliance for the sake of empowering mankind to shift their realities according to personal will and desire. Through this empowerment the shackles of limitation will crumble and magickians from all walks of life will be able to get back to human evolution in this new age.

    Kurtis JosephAuthor
  • The unique insights on magic and how it works are cutting edge, and what the magic community needs as it evolves into a new era. In this scientific age, magic is now advancing with fresh technique and philosophy, and the methods presented within my essay The Sonic Structure of Incantations is helping to push that boundary ever further.

    S. Ben QayinAuthor


Anthology of Sorcery hits #2 on Amazon Hot New Releases!

Dear Friend,

Did you know that magick and the occult are not the same thing? Here, let me unlock a thousand years of history in under a minute. Can YOU relate to my experience below?

Traditionally, if a person wished to study magick, they would need to become a "priest" or "priestess" in an occult "church" or "temple." Modern conveniences like Google, Amazon, and Youtube did not exist, and traditional bookstores would never carry "evil" books on black magick or demonology.

This prohibition caused a "barrier to entry" and "monopoly" over knowledge. Elitist priests in these churches acted like gatekeepers and would only reveal their "secrets" to "initiates" who submitted to their authority in "grades".

Technology has evolved dramatically, and places like Google, Amazon, And Youtube now provide immediate access to world knowledge. In contrast, the occult never evolved and has become obsolete in danger of extinction.

As a Millennial,  I never wanted to "join a church" or "become a priest" or "submit to initiations" — I simply aspired to perform magick and ascend. As such, it has become my undying mission to free magick from occultism — to de-occult it. In my perfect world, magick authors would open their knowledge to a field of study where peers review one another through trial and error of rituals.

I would like magick to become more like a science and less like a religion.

The Anthology of Sorcery encapsulates this mission. 54 authors have united under this grand vision to free magick, provide the world's most powerful knowledge, and help humanity to ascend. Let me introduce you to these historic authors and grimoires below.

INITIATION: Anthology Of Sorcery 1
17 Preeminent Magicians Unveil The Forbidden Secrets Of Infernal Power In The Inaugural Edition

initiation-anthology-sorcery-one-compressor (1)

Would you like to know a secret?

I have always revered magick authors more than authors of any other literary genre. In fact, magicians galvanized me to pen my first demonic grimoire as part of my retired Ordo Ascensum Aetyrnalis in 1999.

In a world polluted by religious indoctrination, state propaganda, and New Age woo woo, magick heralds true enlightenment. A grimoire, far and above any other so-called holy book, causes life-changing transcendent experiences.

Ritual works. And a magician who courageously performs evocation to channel gnosis from astral deities becomes a living sage.

INITIATION: Anthology of Sorcery 1 allowed a long-time dream to come true. I found myself amongst a super-group of my favorite magick authors who had galvanized me to become an author twenty years ago. Honestly, it still excites me today.

INITIATION: Anthology of Sorcery 1 Features:

E.A. Koetting Gods of the Kali Yuga
Asenath Mason Pact with Lucifer
Lon Milo DuQuette Spirit Evocation & Exorcism
Robert Bruce Deep Waters: A Tale of Spirit Possession
S. Connolly Pacts with Daemons
Michael W. Ford Azazel & the Rephaim
Michael W. Ford The Infernal Path of Hekate
Nemo Alius 171 The Black Order of the Ages
Dante Abiel The Black Trinity
Anima Noira Experience Rituals of the Left Hand Path
Charles Cosimano Vampire Is as Vampire Does
And 5 more top authors

As a matter of fact, this bestselling grimoire had sold out overnight five years ago, and has only become available again for the FIRST time right now.

REVELATIONS: Anthology Of Sorcery 2
15 Sorcerers Reveal Priceless Gnosis, Visions, And Prophecy Received From The Lips Of Angels & Demons In Ritual

revelations-anthology-sorcery-two-compressor (1)Traditionally, a priest acted as a middleman between gods and people. A priest was said to receive prophetic visions from these deities known as "gnosis" and  "revelation".

These "prophets" viewed themselves as an extension of the gods and therefore infallible, therefore revealed knowledge became dogma, and it required people to submit to their rule.

Occult priests have used a similar rationale. They use spirit gnosis as justification to open a church where they require initiates to submit to their dogma over an entire lifetime.

As a magician, YOU do not need a priest or middleman, because YOU enter gnosis with gods, angels, and demons yourself in ritual. These spirits reveal knowledge to YOU.

Since the dawn of time, a special tiny minority of eccentric humans have defied the poisonous propaganda and mainstream culture of the tribe, and instead opened their eyes and ears to the spirits of the otherworld for true knowledge.

These dedicated sorcerers and prophets dutifully channel the priceless wisdom and revelations of the immortal gods, angels, and demons of the astral world for the eternal ascent of humanity. While the tribe attacks and maligns these courageous few, they carry the torch of enlightenment forward nonetheless, at the risk of their own safety.

Together in REVELATIONS: Anthology of Sorcery 2 the world’s foremost sorcerers and magicians have combined forces to innovate an unprecedented tour de force of authentic spirit transmission that will maximize your evolution, and deindoctrinate the oppressive narrative of the Church and State.

REVELATIONS: Anthology of Sorcery 2 Features:

E.A. Koetting Holding Open the Gates
Asenath Mason The Destroying God
S. Connolly Asmodai: An Unholy Trinity
Timothy The Anarchist God of Ireland
S. Ben Qayin The Spirit of Hatred
Andrieh Vitimus The Crucible of Sorath's Fire
Somnus Dreadwood Undeath Apotheosis of the Buried King, Zazazel
Alex Meiresonne I Summoned Glasya Labolas In Prison
Nikolaos A:O Theregial, the Cube, and His Seven Aspects
C.J. Lee Gateway Eclipsed by Darkness
Amicus Christi The Blue Grimoire: Magic of the Sea
And 4 more top authors

This second volume of Anthology had also sold out and comes back now for the first time ever.

SPELLS: Anthology Of Sorcery 3
22 Hardcore Black Magicians Reveal The World's Most Powerful Spells, Spirits & Rituals

spells-anthology-sorcery-three-compressor (1)When I first discovered magick, I marveled with excitement at causing "change to occur in conformity with my will." In fact, I would literally lie in bed awake at night wondering...

  • What is the most powerful spell in the world?
  • What is the most life-changing ritual a magician can perform?
  • What is the greatest magick available to a human?
  • What undeniable experiences caused magicians to become magicians in the first place?
  • Why have I discovered magick when many other people have not? And, why black magick?

You have probably marveled at these same mysteries too!

SPELLS: Anthology of Sorcery 3 consists of 22 sorcerers and witches who aspire to answer these EXACT mysteries under one premise: What is the most powerful spell in the world? What is the most life-changing ritual they have ever performed? Who are the most powerful spirits they have ever experienced?

Through faithfully answering this premise, these 22 magicians have formulated the most powerful spellbook in human history.

Behold... SPELLS: Anthology of Sorcery 3

E.A. Koetting Belial's Rage
Asenath Mason The Mirror of Lilith
Asbjorn Torvol The Eye of Odin
S. Connolly Rite of Zagan
J.D. Temple The Primordial Abundance of Mighty Jupiter
Kurtis Joseph Altering Fate Through Drugaskan
M. King Conjuring Wealth
Kimmo Kivi Ancient Finnish Spells
S. Ben Qayin The Sonic Structure of Incantations
Somnus Dreadwood The Végnïszak Hidretehk Rite
Cody Magus Rite of the Werewolf
And 11 more top authors

Surprise, surprise... this third volume of Anthology sold out too like volumes one and two did.

Anthology 3 Looks And Feels Like A Classic Grimoire Of The Darkest Witchcraft… Like A Magick Cookbook Filled With The Greatest Recipes For Ascent

Many, many great magicians from every continent on the planet submitted essays to disclose their favorite, most life-changing magick rituals. For this volume particularly, we have accepted only 22 of the most exceptional authors, all of whom united together with the mutual aspiration to formulate the Most Powerful Book of Spells in Human History.

Anthology 3 reimagines the medieval style of a classical grimoire of witchcraft, like what a trespasser would find in a haunted cabin in the forest where a witch lived. The magician could open it and drag their finger down the table of contents to find the exact spell they need to help an area of their life, e.g., love, sex, money, law, curses, health, ascent, etc.

Essentially, 22 top sorcerers have collaborated on a magick cookbook filled with their favorites recipes to change the world.

Compendium Edition: Three Grimoires In One
Reclaim Your Birthright As A God & Goddess In The Flesh With My All-New, Three-In-One, Compendium Edition... Back For The FIRST Time From Being Sold Out

compendium-anthology-sorcery-one-two-three-compressor (1)Our entire Anthology of Sorcery series has featured 195,122 words in 59 essays by 54 top authors over the last five years. Volumes 1, 2, and 3 have sold out forever, which has forced people to scramble for copies at ten times the original price on auction.

  • May 20, 2014 – Anthology of Sorcery 1 – Sold Out
  • July 7, 2015 – Anthology of Sorcery 2 – Sold Out
  • August 29, 2017 – Anthology of Sorcery 3 – Sold Out

I do not necessarily like this sense of scarcity, but it undeniably occurs due to the rarity of these artisanal leather grimoires. This new, three-in-one Compendium Edition assembles the most diverse roster of authors in the history of magick. You may view 9 of the 50 authors in the table below:

E.A. Koetting Gods of the Kali Yuga, Belial's Rage, and more
Lon Milo DuQuette Spirit Evocation & Exorcism: That Old Black Magic
Robert Bruce Deep Waters: A Tale of Demonic Possession
Michael W. Ford The Infernal Path of Hekate, and Azazel & the Rephaim
Asenath Mason Pact with Lucifer, The Mirror of Lilith, and more
S. Connolly Pacts with Daemons, Asmodai, and more
S. Ben Qayin The Spirit of Hatred, and Sonic Incantations of Spells
Dante Abiel The Black Trinity
Kurtis Joseph Altering Fate Through Drugaskan
And 41 more top authors

We will never witness this exact unprecedented union of magicians ever again. This book is lightning in a bottle.

Catch Lightning In A Bottle Right Now Because You Will Never See This Ultra-Rare Group Of Exact Magick Authors Together Again

I hate to say it, but you will probably NEVER see this exact assembly of magician-authors ever again — as much as I WISH you would.

Alas, this Anthology Compendium edition has caught lightning in a bottle.

  COMPENDIUM: Books 1, 2 & 3 Second edition, 8x10 hardback, 353 pgs.
  INITIATION: Book 1 Second edition, 6x9 hardback, 239 pgs.
  REVELATIONS: Book 2 Second edition, 6x9 hardback, 203 pgs.
  SPELLS: Book 3 Second edition, 6x9 hardback, 204 pgs.
  Global Fulfillment 2-4 weeks by season & location

Compendium Edition contains over 350 pages in a large 8x10 textbook-sized grimoire. Every page bursts with modern revelations and ancient rites guaranteed to ignite your eternal ascent like no other grimoire available anywhere.

I Dedicate This Super-Grimoire To Future Magicians Of The Next Generation Who Need It Most

I did this for YOU.

I did this for the next-generation magician.

I did this for the future.

May you find the exact ritual, spell, and spirit that you need to help YOUR dreams to come true.

Magick acts as a hidden key that unlocks doors. Now you need to open it...

Place your order for Anthology Compendium today.

Godlike Power,

Signature E.A. Koetting

Meet The Author

Anthology of Sorcery